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شعری به زبان انگلیسی در وصف مادر
مدیر ارشد رایشمند

شعری به زبان انگلیسی در وصف مادر

My Mother Is My Life Line

My mother is my lifeline, she is my complete savior,
She does everything she can for me, and for that I praise her,
She went without when I was younger so I could have nice stuff,
She worked herself to the bone, but never did she give up.
My mother is my lifeline, she is truly my best friend,
she help me through the good and bad, she stayed there till the end,
she pick me up when I was down and wiped the tears away,
she will be there when I need her every night and everyday.
My mother is my lifeline, she's completely a shining star,
she has never made me feel alone, no distance is too far,
she'll travel to the moon and back, if I ask her to.
My mother is my lifeline, this poem I wrote for you.
Source: http://www.familyfriendpoems.com/poem/my-wonderful-mother#ixzz3nfg3ZQNi
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