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مدیر ارشد رایشمند

داستان کوتاه انگلیسی (طنز آمیز)

Intelligent Husband 

Wife was busy in packing her clothes. 
Husband - Where are you going ?
Wife - I'm moving to my mother. 
Husband also starts packing his clothes. 
Wife - Now where are you going ?
Husband - I'm also moving to my mother. 
Wife - And what about the kids ?
Husband - Well I guess ... If you are moving to your mother and I'm moving to my mother ... They should move to their mother. 
Clothes unpacked.😉😄😄😄
Short Facts......


Wife : "why are u home so early?"

Hubby :  "My boss said go to hell!" 😆😋
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Doctor : How is ur headache ? 
Patient : she's out of town.😄

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No Man Can Ever Be Satisfied with 4 things in life:
       (1) Mobile
       (2) Automobile
       (3) TV
       (4) Wife
Because, there is always a 
better model in neighborhood 😉
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Funny quote on a husband`s T-Shirt:
All girls are devils, 
but my wife is the queen of them.

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Q - Why can't Women Drive well? 🚗
Ans - Because there are so many mirrors in a car to distract them.. 😁
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Q - Why can't Women stand a day in a Jungle? ⛺️🎄

Ans - There are no Shopping Centers.. 😉
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Q - How to save a Dying Woman? 

Ans - Tell her about a 90% Sale going on somewhere..  😉
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Q - If a Woman is Quiet, which day is it?
Ans - Who Cares, just Enjoy that Day.. 😂
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The woman who invented the phrase ...
"All men are the same" 
was a Chinese woman who lost her husband in a crowd. 😝
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There are 3 kinds of men in this
Some remain single and make
wonders happen. 
Some have girlfriends and see wonders happen.
Rest get married and wonder what happened.... 😜😜
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Wives are magicians........

They can change anything into an argument. 😆😜
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Women live a Better, Longer &
Peaceful Life, as compared to men.
A very INTELLIGENT man replied: 
Women don't have a wife! 😜😜😆😜

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Send this to all men for a good laugh and to women who can handle it...

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